Friday, January 2, 2009

On the Importance of Good Books

While I was at Lunsford, three pastors in Jonesboro, Arkansas, took a keen interest in me. They would spend time with me talking about the ministry. They would allow me to spend time in their offices just to browse their book shelves and talked to me about good authors and recommended books. One of them challenged me to buy one book a week and unless it was a commentary or other reference book to read it that week. Making only $50.00 a week it was a big commitment to make. But I did. It started a life long love affair with books and learning. All my friends had hobbies like golf, hunting or fishing. I couldn't afford golf clubs or guns or fishing gear. But I had my books.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for passing on this passion into my life and to so many others. I still love parousing your books!
